Washed, extracted and pressed in house, our traditional hash is aromatic, sticky and malleable. Each release is made in small batches of rotating lots that are pressed and rolled by hand into a traditional temple ball. To finish, we cold cure our hash for at least three months and package it into a ceramic jar to ensure it’s perfectly preserved. Solventless and free of any added oils and botanical terpenes.
Praesent feugiat tempor pulvinar. Maecenas ultrices mi augue, vitae volutpat libero tincidunt in. Morbi eu enim vehicula lectus efficitur vehicula et sed turpis. Maecenas tortor mauris, porta vitae eros mattis, semper vulputate purus. Quisque hendrerit ligula sed laoreet gravida. Mauris vel molestie dui.