Light green and purple buds, frosted in trichomes, break open into an overwhelming scent of strong gas that gives way to grape candy. Spicy and sweet, with hints of vanilla that pay homage to its ice cream cake lineage, flood the senses on the exhale. It’s so smooth it’s almost impossible not to go back for more. Qwest was born from a deep appreciation for the plant and its process. We are here for the journey every grower undertakes with each new harvest, and we respect that even with the most familiar cultivars there's always opportunity to go beyond the ordinary.
Praesent feugiat tempor pulvinar. Maecenas ultrices mi augue, vitae volutpat libero tincidunt in. Morbi eu enim vehicula lectus efficitur vehicula et sed turpis. Maecenas tortor mauris, porta vitae eros mattis, semper vulputate purus. Quisque hendrerit ligula sed laoreet gravida. Mauris vel molestie dui.