A sativa cross of Jamaican and Thai landrace strains, Happy Buddha is sweet-smelling with fruity overtones and notes of spice. Its flowers tend toward rich green coloration, though hints of other colours may be present and show through its thick coating of bright white trichomes. Happy Buddha’s flavour, much like its aroma, has sweet notes of fruit and citrus, while its spicy side lingers on the tongue and can give the impression of roasted peppers.
Praesent feugiat tempor pulvinar. Maecenas ultrices mi augue, vitae volutpat libero tincidunt in. Morbi eu enim vehicula lectus efficitur vehicula et sed turpis. Maecenas tortor mauris, porta vitae eros mattis, semper vulputate purus. Quisque hendrerit ligula sed laoreet gravida. Mauris vel molestie dui.