Cultivator: Mauve et Herbes - This sativa strain, bred from a Haze hybrid and a cross between Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk, has none other than a legendary cannabis rights activist for a namesake. Being bred in the 1990s in the Netherlands and sought after to this day, the longevity of its popularity comes as no surprise. Fittingly, the strain is itself a multiple award winner, thanks to its high resin content, its potency, and its woodsy, piney, spicy and herbal notes in both aroma and flavour.
Praesent feugiat tempor pulvinar. Maecenas ultrices mi augue, vitae volutpat libero tincidunt in. Morbi eu enim vehicula lectus efficitur vehicula et sed turpis. Maecenas tortor mauris, porta vitae eros mattis, semper vulputate purus. Quisque hendrerit ligula sed laoreet gravida. Mauris vel molestie dui.